PESTICIDE FREE RICE — Nutrition with Purity

SK Exports
3 min readSep 1, 2021


The land of India is blessed with fertility which is suitable for rice cultivation. That’s why India is the largest producer of rice across the globe. The pesticide free rice is famous in every cuisine or kitchen due to its purity and nutritional values. Due to its authentic taste and flavor, it is demanded worldwide.


Organic rice is the future of rice grain after the issue of new guidelines by the European Union. The pesticide free rice is safer and healthier than the other commercial grown rice. Basmati Rice Exporters in India preserves the paddy from the harmful chemical to procure the safe consumption of rice to their clients.

At the time of harvesting, the rice is cured and protect from weeds and insects. Many rice manufacturers processed rice without compromising the nutrients and minerals. Naturally cultivated rice has been investigated since the growing demand over organic rice for consuming a healthy diet.

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The negative impact of the pesticide is usually making the rice unhealthier for consumption and for the environment also. Basmati rice manufacturers in India prominently supplies pesticide free basmati rice. The rice has supervised the paddy under various industrial norms and European standards to take care of consumer health.


The pesticide free variety is available in both basmati rice and non-basmati rice. Basmati rice is the long slender grain that is aromatic in taste and has an authentic flavor. Due to its unique features, this rice will be the first choice of every rice eater or maker. The basmati rice is available in many varieties in 1121 basmati rice, traditional, and many more. But in the pesticide-free range, there is 1121 basmati rice available to serve the supreme quality of rice.

The Indian Basmati Rice Manufacturer also exports non-basmati rice. The non-basmati rice has various ranges like PR11, PR14, Sharbati Rice, and IR64/36 non-basmati rice. But the various varieties provided under the pesticide free non basmati rice, i.e., PR11 rice and Sugandha Rice.


Rice is the vital food in the Asian continent. The rising demand for pesticide-free ice shows the concern about health in many countries. European Union used to cut the maximum limit of tricyclazole to defend the paddy of a rice grain from harmful diseases like blast.

Following are the noted points that improve the export quality of basmati rice across the globe.

Ø No fertilizers used

Ø Better in taste

Ø Enhance the health

Ø Cure from much disease

Ø Contain more nutrients like Vitamin B1, B3, B6, and Iron.


Various types of chemical fertilizers or fungicide are used to cure the crop field of insects, weeds, and pests. Every chemical is harmful. The cultivation of the crop without any chemical residue is important. The Indian basmati rice millers and exporters are curing the paddy of the Tricyclazole Fungicide.

Tricyclazole Fungicide is the most harmful chemical used to protect the paddy or crop from insects and pests. An editorial shows the latest rule issued by the European Agriculture Commissioner for setting up the precise limit for the use of Tricyclazole Fungicide. It is a point of concern which an Indian basmati rice suppliers to think but some of the suppliers dealing in the pesticide free rice with the specific limit allowed.


Every individual should care about their health. So you have to consume pesticide free rice for maintaining your health. Some countries are making the mandatory import of basmati and non basmati rice variety, which is pesticide-free, i.e. European countries, the USA, Saudi Arabia, and Lebanon.

India has the best pesticide-free rice exporters cultivated and processed under European standards. Organic rice is the new beginning for being healthy and consumes the pure form of food or free from any harmful chemicals.



SK Exports
SK Exports

Written by SK Exports

SK Exports is the Indian Basmati Rice exporters deal in different basmati rice varieties. We aim to serve the premium quality of rice

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